Irish Luck Penny Bookmark

Giving a Luck Penny is a very old Irish tradition originally associated with the buying and selling of farm animals. After buyer and seller agree terms, the deal is sealed by each spitting into the palm of their hands, followed by a firm (and wet!) handshake.

Luck plays a vital part in Irish folklore, so traditionally the seller then immediately gives back the buyer a "gift" of a sum of money for "Good Luck". This is an important ritual because failure to give back a Luck Penny could bring ill fortune to them both, and the Irish, being a highly superstitious people, avoid tempting Fate! Typically, both buyer and seller then retire to the local pub where the "Luck Penny" is used to buy the first round of celebratory drinks for them both.

In times gone by, when a penny had real value, this "Luck Penny" was just that, a penny. These days the "Luck Penny" gift is of much greater monetary value. Nevertheless, the tradition of referring to this gift of cash as a "Luck Penny" remains.

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The Luck Penny tradition has long since been expanded so that giving a gift of a Luck Penny to a friend brings 'the luck of the Irish' to both. It is always cherished as a lucky charm and is a constant reminder of the strong bond of friendship.

Ireland has changed its currency twice in recent years. The first change was in 1971, when the currency was decimalized and the coinage made much smaller and lighter - and lost much of its former charm! It was changed again, in 2002 when Ireland adopted the Euro. Before 1970, pennies were large copper coins, 11/4" in diameter. They were also heavy, so loose change placed a severe strain on pockets and purses! Even a modest salary for the times of ten pounds a week, if paid in pennies, would be a total of 2,400 pennies and weigh over 11 pounds!

The detailed photo on the left shows why these pre-1970 pennies became known as 'hen' pennies. These pennies with the image of a hen and chickens on one side and the Irish harp on the other are now extremely rare and have become collector items. Their rarity will ensure they only increase in value making them a true good luck token!

Since these coins have not been made since the 1960's, we are very fortunate to have acquired a very limited number of uncirculated pennies! It is extremely unlikely that we will ever find their like again so, if you want to own an important piece of Irish history, act now.

A chimney sweep is another traditional good luck omen, especially if one appears at a wedding. So for extra good luck, we have shown Evin, our Irish chimney sweep holding his brush in his right hand and a Luck Penny in his left!

These Luck Penny Bookmarks provide you with the opportunity not only to acquire an important part of Irish history but are also a way for you to spread the famous 'luck of the Irish' amongst your very special friends.

Each 'hen' penny is sealed in a clear plastic sleeve that not only provides protection for the valuable penny, but also makes it easy to see both sides of this historic coin.

There is a short history of the Irish Luck Penny on the removable sleeve insert and space for you to write the name of the recipient as well as your own name and special greeting, so making them perfect, unique and lasting gifts, suitable for all ages and all occasions!

A Bunch of Good Luck

We don’t have to look far to realize how lucky we are. What a delightful thrill it is to enjoy good luck!

But we also know sharing good luck is even better! Indeed, few things compare with the pleasure of doing something that puts a knowing smile on a friend’s face

So, in the spirit of sharing good luck with your special friends, we created:

A Bunch of Good Luck: a set of 4 Luck Penny Bookmarks at a special discount.

Both practical and memorable these Bookmarks are gifts that will make your special friends smile while also being a forever reminder of the unique relationship you both share.

In addition, as our way of sharing our good luck, we will slip an extra Luck Penny Bookmark into the Bunch. Just for you!

A Bunch of Good Luck - 4 Luck Penny Bookmarks

(See, we didn’t even mention the extra one just for you!)

$49.97 $37.97

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